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int, International Locales

int-EURO, Standard Euro-Zone Locales

This locale is the standardized Euro-zone locale. All locales in the Euro-zone should use this locale as their base.


  • Currency (EUR) format: €1 234.56

Responsible Parties

Authors: Jason Burrell
Editors: A separate person is need for author/editor separation.

int-EURO.ISO, Standard Euro-Zone Locales, ASCII ISO Format

This locale is an overlay Euro-zone locale. It can be used by sites not able to use the standard Euro symbol. To use this locale, prepend int-EURO.ISO, to your LaneLocale environment variable. For example, in France, one might use the following: int-EURO.ISO,fr-FR,fr,c


  • Currency (EUR) format: 1 234.56 EUR

Responsible Parties

Authors: Jason Burrell
Editors: A separate person is need for author/editor separation.

int-EURO.REVISO, Standard Euro-Zone Locales, ASCII ISO Format, Reversed

This locale is an overlay Euro-zone locale. It can be used by sites not able to use the standard Euro symbol. To use this locale, prepend int-EURO.REVISO, to your LaneLocale environment variable. For example, in France, one might use the following: int-EURO.REVISO,fr-FR,fr,c


  • Currency (EUR) format: EUR 1 234.56

Responsible Parties

Authors: Jason Burrell
Editors: A separate person is need for author/editor separation.